
Kubernetes Big Data Engineering Group

Big Data on Kubernetes

This is a community resource for big data and data science related software projects on techniques and best practices for integrating with Kubernetes.

This group is different from Kubernetes Big Data User Group because, unlike Kubernetes User Groups where though their central goal is not a deliverable piece of work, one of the objectives of this project is to create user-ready deliverables and software tools.


The deployment of Big Data technologies in environments such as Kubernetes is a challenge that is not well documented today, in a centralized way. There are many challenges to be solved due to the idiosyncrasies of Big Data tools and the particularities of Kubernetes, a system with a priori design strategies that are radically different from the needs of Big Data technologies.

Without being exhaustive, some of the challenges we are going to study in this project are listed below:

  • High availability and resilency: Many of the Big Data technologies have their own high availability and resiliency mechanisms, which can conflict with the native Kubernetes mechanisms. How we adapt the technologies so as not to incur in anti-patterns in Kubernetes is a question we must answer.

  • Networking: Some of the technologies have features specially designed to avoid the networking stack (UNIX domain socket short-circuit local reads) for performance reasons. However, Kubernetes is a technology strongly coupled to networking layers. How can we deal with these features?

  • Security: How do we design a security strategy that centralizes the creation of certificates, kerberos and fine-grained authorization, the usual mechanisms of big data technologies (integration of Apache Ranger, for example)?

  • Configuration: How do we design a unified configuration strategy, which allows to centralize the huge configuration options of the usually complex Big Data technologies, what Kubernetes configuration pattern do we use for this task.

  • Data governance: A data governance and data quality strategy is important for the data world, especially in Big Data environments where data control and traceability can be a very complex task. These specific needs will also be studied in this project. How kubernetes can help us in this strategy, are there mechanisms that facilitate the task beyond using specific technologies of the Big Data world (Apache Atlas)?